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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  February 21, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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thanking for watching. highs "studio b" with shepard. >> the news begins anew. the winter storm affecting tens of millions of people. sparked a death and cancelled flights. and the blizzard conditions are heading to the northeast. >> major blow to the case, including the paraplegic track star who slid right by. the track star now has some prosecutors who are in a world of hurt. the main detective is now off the case. turns out he is facing his own murder charges. and a rolling shootout involving a mazaratti and a blacked-out range rover ends in a dead lay ball of fire on the leaves
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industry it's all ahead unless breaking news changes everything on "studio b." >> shepard: first, a monster winter storm sweeping chaos the nation's mid-season. sparking scoot closings, car crashes and cancelled flights. in illinois, a crash killed an 18-year-old guy. the missouri governor declared a state of emergency, and officials are warning people, stay off the roads, claiming sheets of ice have completely covered stretches of interstate 44. some spots in kansas under a foot of snow and heavy windses have shut down kansas city international airport until further notice. let's get right to the extreme weather center. but first, let's go to mike tone bin who has the news from nebraska. i here it's getting worse and worse. reporter: it is put we haven't seen the worth of it here, yet. the snow is coming down right
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now. the temperatures not that severe 27 degrees. the ground is warm and we're just getting to the point where the snow is starting to stick. by and large it was melting but it is expected to increase. one person in public works estimated we'll have the snow coming down at the rate of an inch in an hour, and he put the over and under at 10-1/2 inches for nebraska. but a lot of advance warning. kids staying home from school. the department of roads here big snow plows working two 12-hour shifts, with the exception of this guy who came in for maintenance. they're all on the road, trying to stay ahead of the weather. >> shepard: snow through tomorrow? reporter: looks that way. worstes to the south and west, wichita, nebraska, it's all keeping in this direction. so far in omaha the police say
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the worst they're seeing are the people who elected get out in their cars in the fender benders. >> shepard: let's get to the extreme weather center with a look at what is in store for the next few days,. >> going to pull to the north and part to the east. so we have a couple more days of this storm but you look at a storm like this in the plains and you can't right now talk about this without talking about the drought. across parts of nebraska and kansas, some of the worst drought so when you get a foot of snow on that, it's good news. snow is the best way to help that because it melts slowly and seeps into the ground. if you're farmer, you're thrilled. you want another one next week. however, there are obviously very difficult in the short term getting around on it. and this area down here across parts of southern missouri, around the st. louis area and northern arkansas, a lot of freezing rain, and that's very
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dangerous. you can't travel on those road when it's covered in ice. that's the worst and the most dangerous of the areas. the snow you can drive on but the ice, you can't do that. through time, we wind down here, little more back into kansas city this evening and then we wind down in toward nebraska by tomorrow morning and then it moves in across parts of the great lakes. this will be lighter at this point by the time it gets there. the other side to this storm, shep, is the severe weather across the south where it meets the warmer air. a threat of tornadoes in louisiana this afternoon and overnight. and this is more of a strong wind threat. we're not talking about huge tornadoes but isolate tornadoes. >> shepard: thanks. now the blade return case, wow, major twist, one that the prosecution calls totally weird. in technical speak.
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police revealed the lead detective faced not one but seven counts of attempted murder. charges against him from a different shooting, and now he is off the oscar pistorius case entirely. this guy testified about the evidence the found in the springer's home in south africa. reporters in the courtroom said he had a hard time answering some of the defense's questions. and he openly said that nothing contradicted the track star's account of how his model girlfriend died based on the evidence. now, as cass pistorius said he shot his girlfriend through the bathroom door by mistake, four times, last week, on valentine's day. she was a law school graduate. a supermodel. and an aspiring reality tv star known as reeva. prosecutors say he killed her in a jealous rage but the man who went in and gathered the evidence, a spokeswoman says they face an interesting
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challenge. >> it's a bit inconvenient. if you're going to hear a few hours before you go to testify and you have evidence. >> shepard: the prosecution calls the whole thing a coincidence that the detectivetive and other officers stan accused of chasing and firing on a small busful of people. we're live. greg, you talked to that former lead detective, it's my understanding. what did he say? reporter: he were in the courtroom for day have to of the oscar press storeus bail hearing and that the detectivetive was on the stand. we caught up with him after that and asked him what he thought of his performance yesterday. he replied, so-so. quite an understatement. then we asked him about the attempted murder charges. he and other cops allegedly involved in the shooting just a few years back. he told me he thought the charges were dropped. late today the police here named a replace. for him.
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someone who they call their top detective. they said the probe has national priority, and a lot of damage done this week. >> shepard: you got a good look at press storeus in court. how is he doing now and what is next? reporter: we had a clear view of him for the full day, and for the full day session, about five or six hours, his head was down. at one point silently crying, wiping tears away, his head shaking. this as his defense team summed up his case. tearing into the government evidence. here's what the timeline looks like. prosecution will sum up friday morning. and then the judge has to decide, maybe as early as tomorrow afternoon. the thinking here is that the stories could in fact be released on bail. the question is whether that premeditated murder charge will stick or it will be reduced, and you got to remember also, shep, the real trial in this whole thing is months and months away. >> shepard: greg, live at the trial in south africa.
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wewe will he much more. is this becoming the next o.j. simpson trial in there are lot of comparisons. if congress can't avoid upcoming budget cuts. nowow what congress could do? congress could say the whole thing, oh, cut it off, the whole -- just don't do it. they could just not do it, you know. the white house warns they could be flying even into more of a hassle. the effects. coming up on "studio b." [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lin grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief.
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>> shepard: more now on the blade runner case. the history-making track star, oscar press storeus ask the shooting death of his girlfriend. the famous throw it charged with murder and combined with a media friendsy and scrutinized evidence, and maybe this case may share some things with the
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o.j. simpson trial. the fox reports chief correspondent jonathan hunt is here. just like the o.j. case, a collection of evidence seems to be a problem. >> the bloody glove, was it planted or ojs? the chain of custody in terms of the blood samples. all sorts of questions being raised about how cops handle evidence at the crime scene where as cass pistorius is alleged have to killed his girlfriend. they left a bullet cartridge behind in the toilet boil. the lead cop who has been removed from the investigation, walked through the crime scene without wearing protective shoe covers, raising the question of contamination. there was illegal ammunition there the cops did not secure it. in fact they allowed friends of pistorius to walk away with it. then the testimony about finding testosterone. and they in fact did not know
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what the evidence was. >> shepard: that's evidence collection. one of the similarities. >> the biggest similarity is the simple question of whether a national sports hero, in this case oscar pistorius -- murdered his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. then you have all the question of evidence-gathering that were raised during the oj simpson trial and also now you have a lead cop at the center of some controversy as there was in the of j. simpson trial in that case mark fuhrman, in this case, that man, hilton botha. he said he was only made aware of the charges after his admittedly so-so testimony on the stand. >> shepard: that is generous. jonathan hunt, thank you. the blade runner case has a new
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lead investigator since the former detective in charge is accused of attempted murder himself. but the new investigator says that will have no impact on the court case as it moves forward. nothing. our fox legal analyst no affect? >> it obviously will have effect. here's the effect. not going to affect the facts but will affect the way the court and ultimately the jury views the facts in the case. i mean, after just three days of testimony, and what is a bail hearing -- not a criminal trial, not a prosecution yet, just a bail hearing d' -- the whole focus of the case has shifted from what pistorius is alleged to have done to what the state did. that's a disaster for the state. when the judge starts second-guessing the government in the first presentation the government is making. second problem for the state. detective botha was the original gatherer of evidence at the death scene. only he can testify about his impressions from that act of
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gathering evidence. the state cannot separate itself. the government cannot separate himself from detective botha, no matter how flimsy or criminal or shady or incredible his background may be. they're stuck with him. they can put other detectives on the case, but what he said in this preliminary bail hearing trial, the government's going to have to live with throughout the entire case. >> shepard: one argue. is for bale -- for lack of bail on the government's part is, he is a flight risk. >> in my view, -- in the view of the judge presiding over this, that is utterly laughable. judge to botha: is it your considered opinion that mr. business store ya is a flight risk? detective botha to judge: yes, it is. that's exactly from the transcript. it is laughable to think that a person who is afterly recognized as an throw it and has no legs below his knees is a flight risk. that's what the government wants the court to believe. >> shepard: it's not as if he can't get around.
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it's more that anybody is going to know who he is. >> correct. now in fairness to the government, this is not the trial. this is not the time or place to prove him guilty. the purpose of the bail hearing is to show, is there enough credible evidence lawfully gathered to support the charge, and is there any bail that will assure his presence when we need him for later proceedings. so, there may be other evidence that the government has that it chooses not to reveal. it doesn't have to reveal all of it. and there may be other people who can testify for the government who would do a better josh than boat tacoma but the got is stuck with botha, and the argument that pistorius is a flight risk will not be taken seriously. >> this lack of a jury is weird. >> there's a lack of a jury at this stage. >> shepard: there will be a jury? >> there will be a jury. at the time that guilt or innocence is resolved. but all the preliminary proceedings, just like here and in great britain, all the preliminary procedures are
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decided just by a judge. >> shepard: all right, judge, thank you. >> we'll be watching it for you. >> shepard: don't need to worry about battery fires on boeing's new planes. they came up with a way to stop the fires from spreading. feel better? details next. plus, medical groups warnings patients about more than 100 tests and treatment. most people do not need them, and some tests could actually do more harm than good. what tests? we'll get into the details just ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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>> shepard: we're learning that boeing can launch a formal plan to fix the batteries on the 787 dreamliners as early as
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tomorrow. the dreamliner has faced a through of probable can problems including a battery fire and battery problems and a burning smell in the cockpit. never want that at 30,000. adam shapiro is with us. what do we know about the plans? >> we know the top heads of boeing are going to meet with the faa and ntsb and will present a plan as to how they think they can rectify this problem with the battery. for instance, spacing the cells in the battery wider apart, perhaps putting in ceramic tiles in between each cell, then a new venting system to vent smoke outside of the aircraft. but shep, the key in all this? they still have yet to identify what caused the fire. these are preventive measures and they were supposed to have preventive measures and assured the faa when the plane was certified the measures would prevented what we saw. >> shepard: no impact on the
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stock. >> that's because everyone expects boeing will figure out what caused it and will fix it. you can see the stock price is up today. it was up yesterday on a day we saw stocks take a tumble. but boeing investors seem to be confident the airplane maker will get this shoveled. >> shepard: many common medical tests are things we do not need, tests which can hurt us. that's the word from more than two dozen medical groups in a his o commonly overused tests and treatment. you usually don't knee antibiotics for a sinus infection. i can tell you that is a load. i do. it could make the medicine less effective if you if really do need it. that's just not true. healthy women don't knee annual pap tests. just once every three years if they're 30 or older. you can skip the mri for lower back pain, or cat scans for hits with minor head injuries.
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the doctors say such unnecessary testing can lead to increased recollection of cancer down the road and the doors say the overused tests are driving up healthcare costs. this why i don't like these tests. i suffer with sinus infections and i could have one for weeks and then get an antibiotic and it ends. that is just wrong. >> this story is wrong? >> shepard: yes. >> i guess they're just saying we're overdoing it in some cases. maybe not in yours. >> shepard: he says you don't need them for sinus infections. he is wrong, i need them. >> i don't think he is saying every case is the same. >> shepard: you think i'm not here much now. i'd never be here. yesterday was brutal. >> we missed you. >> shepard: all right. at least four former employees at a peanut company now face federal charges in connection with a salmonella outbreak that killed nine people.
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it triggered one of the biggest food recalls in '09 and at the time investigators uncovered an e-mail from the company's opener bat sample that did test positive for so salmonella but y were letter released. the department of justice says it will not hesitate to pursue any person's criminal duct that would harm americans who did nothing but eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. >> here's the latest on the winter storms. and gunfire on the las vegas strip. somebody in the luxury suv starts shooting someone in a high-end sports car. before at it all over, three people are dead. right out in broad daylight. details coming upment.
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at a dry cleaner,
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satisfied, notify lifelock and you won't pay a cent. order now and also get this shredder to keep your documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 dollar value, free. get protected now. call the number on your screen or go to to try lifelock protection risk free for a full 60 days. use promo code: gethelp. plus get this document shredder free-- but only if you act right now. call the number on your screen now! >> shepard: a dramatic and deadly gun battle played out on the las vegas strip and ended up with a taxicab blowing up in fireball. cops say somebody opened fire from a luxury suv, in the heart of vegas action. police say the shooter took aim at a maserati sports car, and the maserati crashed into a cab.
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which was not of the high end variety. the taxi exploded, killed its driver and a passenger in that taxi. the maserati driver killed. one witness heard the whole thing. >> a second delay then a series of gunshots, very short delay, one loud, very loud boom, and then i looked out my window, and i could see one vehicle down here on the corner of the intersection, totally engulfed in flames. >> investigators are going through severallans video to identify the shooter in the suv. this is "studio b." it's the bottom of the hour. tom for the top of the newsful flight cancellations are piling up as massive winter storm pounds the central u.s. airlines have cancelled hundreds of flights from dallas to chicago. and the driving conditions aren't any better. look at this map from the
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missouri department of transportation here. well, never mind. but there are purple lines on it that show snow-covered roads. at it winter and it's snowing. claudia is out in the snow, and that's what reporters do, they go out in the snow. hough is the snow? reporter: actually we have a little break in the snowstorm but behind me, downtown kansas city, all but shut town today as most folks made the smart decision to stay inside where it's warm and dry. many of those who did venture out this morning, getting into spinoutsouts and accidents, andt just because of the icy conditions but because of poor visibility and drivers couldn't stop in time. whiteout conditions a big problem at the kansas city airport. snow removal teams couldn't see each other as they tried to plow the runways and keep the airport open. so they had 0 close the airport.
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poor visible not so good for pilots, either, show to airport closed until things quiet down. >> shepard: is it bad all over the state? reporter: it is tough going just about everywhere you go in missouri. for instance, more than 90 miles of interstate 70 closed right now. that's going to have a big impact on travelers heading to and from denver. the governor of missouri declared state of emergency. they're trying to coordinate work of snow plows. and farmers in the area, who have been struggling with a drought, they're saying, bring it on, and even the mayor of kansas city points to a silver lining. >> having the snow and adding to the water levels and motorcycle level -- moisture legals. essentially. that is god's way of balancing things out. >> and it's good for the area hotels now filling up with strapped travelers.
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>> shepard: just about all of us will suffer if the budget cuts known as the sequester take effect next week. the sequester doesn't have to happen. they can just say, we won't do it. that's a warning from the administration officials below the effect of the cuts. it would hit air travelers hard. longer waits in security lines, as if they could be longer. longer waits on the tarmac, waits up to four hours to clear customs. national park service would have to make major cutbacks. camgrounds closest, education programs discontinued. reduced hours at national parks like the grand canyon. so far the white house and congress seem to be unable to agree how to stop the sequester, and some say the administration's warning is historyonic and is calling on fellow republicans to call the president's bluff. what are we hearing from the white house? >> president obama called john
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baner and mitch mcconnell about the upcoming cuts. today. no details are being released. right now on capitol hill house democrats are holding a hearing, looking at the impact of the scheduled cuts. >> eight days from now, a tremor will hit the american economy that is both unwelcome and unnecessary. it is an across-the-board cut in spending that some estimate will cost us 750,000 american jobs. >> congressman andrews said that often catastrophes are unavoidable. this one, he said, is completely avoidable. >> shepard: of course it is. it is this bunch of people in washington on the both sides of the aisle who say, if we don't get something done by this date, sequester kicks in. you now hey they decide to stop sequester? decide it doesn't have to kick in. >> leading republicans say they're open to a compromise on spending but saying no more new
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taxes. the president obama called for a balanced approach and the outcome was tax increases, cantor says, quote, president obama says unless he gets a second tax hike in eight weeks he'll be forced to let criminals loose on the streets, and emergency responders will be unable to do their jobs. these are false choices. we're faced with the negative effects of the sequester because democrats have not been able to take even the smallest step toward controlling spending. republicans say calling today the president's first outreach since new year's and says he should call harry reid, who runs the senate, and which has yet to act. >> shepard: they could just call it all off but they're not going to do that. they're having way to much found at owl expense. thank all of them. >> a news think tank thinks north korea has picked up work -- satellite photos reveal
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a rice in traffic at the nuclear sites and the institute warps it doesn't have new evidence to confirm or deny a new test might be in the works. the north korean state released another propaganda video, showing our president and our troops in flames. here is a frequent guess on the subject. what are they doing now? >> they certainly are going for a fourth nuclear test soon. they have to make sure the bomb works so they can sell it to the iranians, and the other thing is kim jong-un needs to resolve his position. he has to appease the generals because north korea is a militant case, has a military first policy so he needs to do what they wont. also, king ongoing -- kim jong-il is reported to have told his son to continue with the nuke and missile program so north korea could be a
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full-fledged nuclear power. >> shepard: is it your sense another test is coming? >> certainly. they will test when it's politically feasible for them to do. so there's reports this third test could have occurred last may when the put the device into the tunnel and sealed it. they didn't do it because they felt the time wasn't right. right now they seek the united states isn't going to stop them and china isn't going to stop them. so there's very little to prevent the north koreans from going ahead. >> when you say china and the united states are going to stop them, how would china and the united states stop them? >> well, the united states could do a number of things including some crippling financial sanctions that be bush administration put in place in 2005. they worked, we took them out in 2002 at the behest of beijing. that was premature. china is going to support them with aid and the chinese said they're not going to permit new sanctions in the security council. so basically the north koreans
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don't see anything blocking their path to more missile and nuke tests. >> shepard: is the north korean goal to become a nuclear power or to advertise its wares, to other rogue groups? >> i think the answer to that is both. the iranians are reported to have been on site for this nuclear test this month, as they were in 2006 and 2009 in the to prior tests. the iranians have been the for the long range ballistic missile test. north korea sells this stuff to iran, iran pays for it so they have to improve their design because the iranians are not going to buy something that doesn't work. >> shepard: what's the end game here? >> the end game is that both north korea and iran get the world's most destructive weapons unless we stop them and that's a problem because they're going to destabilize both regions at the same time, and right now the administration, like the administration before it, is not
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taking effective actions to stop the nor koreans and the iranians see they. this is also a problem in the middle east. >> shepard: the. no new trial for drew peterson. what the ex-cop, who kept losing his wives, thinks about this. see if he finds out how long he will stay in prison for killing one of them. that's next.
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>> your buddy drew peterson is not getting a new trial. the infamiliarous former cop who keeps losing his wives gets nothing. a judge shot down a defense request. we're expecting him to finally sentence drew peterson for murder at any moment now. in september. a jury convicted him of killing this woman, his third wife, kathleen savio. the former police sergeant is suspected in the disappearance of this woman, his fourth wife, stacy peterson. drew peterson faces 60 years in
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prison on the murder conviction. his attorneys claim the previous attorney botched the case, an argument the judge did not buy. steve is monitoring the trial. the victim's families are giving impact statements to the court. what are they saying? reporter: a combination of heart-wrenching and angry two sisters and brothers speaking to the court just prior to the judge giving the sentence. from ann marie satisfy york it hurts a lot. i hoch it gets better but i'm confident it will not get better. i still talk to. he i hope she can hear me. from another sister, the fear is in screams for help and snowing she was alone the her final moment. the fate of seeing the water, knowing she was going into the water, he last breath would be soon in reference to her being drowned in her own bathtub. and then from henry savio, jr., i pray during the last minutes of drew peterson's life he is able to clearly see her and she is watching his dissention into
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hill. the prosecutor says he didn't ask for a specific number of years but asked for the upper range of the 20 to to 60 years. >> shepard: you're hearing that drew peterson may be getting cold feet about speaking? we would vary much like to hear from him. reporter: up until now every indication was that he was working on his final remarksment we have made requests about possible hard copies of any statements and then just during the noon recess we hear it was up in the air. >> drew doesn't have to good on the stand at the sentencing. when a defendant get sentenced they have a right to address the court without being cross examined. i don't know if he will or won't. he might and he might. no. reporter: joe lopez, one of the defense attorneys just asked for a lower end of the range of the 20 to 60, which is 20. 20 is the minimum peterson is 59
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years of age. >> shepard: steve brown in joel yes, thanks. right now more than 2,000 families in new york and new jersey are still stuck in hotels nearly four months after superstorm sandy destroyed their homes and after all that time many say they still don't know where they'll live next. rick has the news on staten island, new york. one of the hardest hit years of them all. reporter: yes, and this hotel was full of sandy residents after the storm. they still have 20 families living here and a couple thousand in hotels in new york and new jersey, at a cost of nearly $80 million paid for by fema and taxpayers this. temporary housing assistant is provided to people whose homes were heavily damaged or destroyed. fema covers the cost of the room and taxes but not cover meals and phone calls and fema re-evaluate who gets housing benefits every two weeks because they understand taxpayers are
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footing the bill. >> it's taxpayer dollars and we're respectful. that's another reason we do it every two weeks. we have to be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars when we do this. reporter: every one of those 2,000 families in new york and new jersey scheduled to be out this weekend, shepard, but could still find out they get another extension. >> shepard: what are these families telling you? reporter: how tough it. imagine being in a hotel with your family you kids, your dogs, for weeks if not months at a time. we meat one guy in the day of the storm he has been living in a hotel for a couple months we his wife and two kids and a newborn baby after nine feet of water filled his base: his house was unlivable and he has been doing citizen receive repairs and dealing with his insurance company and struggling to find contractors who won't gouge him. and meanwhile he wait like
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everyone else to find out if fema will tell hem he has to move out of the hotel. >> i am unsure how long i can stay. every day i do wonder if the stay will be shorter than rebuilding my house. so where will i go when the city says your house has not progressed enough and you have to go home? i don't know. i will go home. my family won't. i won't bring my family into my house until my house is done. reporter: it's a tough situation for a lot of families. the numbers are dwindling, but some still don't know what is going to happen next. >> shepard: rick, thank you. prosecutors finally had their chance to question the woman accused of shooting her ex-boyfriend, and stabbing him 27 times. and slitting his throat from ear-to-ear. you'll hear what this woman had to say about her apparent memory gap, next. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] i took something for my sinus, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough.
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they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ] but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin.
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>> there were some tense moments in the trial accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend 27 times, shooting him and slitting his throat. today prosecutors had a chance to question the woman, arias. she recounted she was taking photos of her ex in the shower in 2008 when she dropped the camera. then she said he got angry and body slammed her against the tiles. then she ran into a closet and got the gun. >> got out of the closet. he was chasing me, and i turned around and pointed it at him with both of my hand. i thought that would stop him, but he just kept running. he got like -- like a linebacker, got low and grabbed my waist, and when he was lung
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agent me the gun went off. i didn't mean to shoot him or anything. i didn't even think i was holding the trigger, just pointing it at him, and i didn't know i shot him. >> shepard: that she remembers but she said her memory got hazy and she didn't recall stabbing him once or five times or 15 times or even the 27 times that she stand -- stabbed him. the didn't remember taking the notify to his throat. the one she slit from ear to ear. today the prosecutors pressed her on what she could remember. >> do you have problem with your memory? sometimes. >> sow you can tell us what kind of coffee you bought at starbucks in 2008 but you can't tell us what you said yesterday or the day before? >> i always get the same drink at starbucks. >> shepard: there you go. she previously told the court what flavor drink she ordered at starbucks in the days before the
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attacks and claims after he took the stand that she shot him in self-defense. it was no accident. now from phoenix, how did this play in there? reporter: i can tell you, shep, in there today, it's the most tense i've seen it. the jury is listening at juan martinez, the prosecutor, more than they're looking at jody arias. they are watching this man, who is a very experienced prosecutor, basically paint her -- or try to paint her as a liar, a person of lies, and someone who is obsessed, but demands shed -- she admits shooting him. >> shepard: but she can't remember 27 stabbings. i can understand not remembering eight times but she doesn't remember the 27 time she
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playground -- plunged the notify into his body. are they believing that? reporter: what the prosecutor is doing, he is showing she has a very selective memory. she is -- this morning he has demonstrated she changed the story four times about how she cut the finger on her left hand. changed the story even about how -- also described her as watching him make out with another woman, and that's a story she still can't get straight. so your right this, woman's memory doesn't work on some occasions mr. martinez is doing a good job of showing that. >> shepard: you're saying the jury is watching theolair more than they're watching her. what does that tell you if anything? reporter: i think that he is doing his best. he needs to present a picture of
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jody arias that shows her in or the to get -- present his case, first degree murder, he needs to present her as a woman who cold-bloodedly calculatedly set off the path to kill him and he has to tell a story, and they are watching him tell this story, and it's really him doing the talking, and she has to say yes or no, and that's what we're seeing, and that is what has got the jury's attention. >> shepard: vicki, thank you. good to see you. >> a boy who didn't want to go to bed decided to teach his parents a lesson. he called the police. wait we hear how that turned out. hi. i'm henry winkler.
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with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ >> shepard: weather health still watching the map and in the upper midwest, good grief. all that pink stuff is of great concern because there's a chance
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that's going to be an ice storm, and you can see in the northeastern part of arkansas, in the western side of tennessee, north of memphis but in the sub urban memphis to the north, and south of st. louis, the potential for very bad ice. rich has been warning us. you can drive on snow, you can drive in the rain. driving on a sheet of is it not preferable. so they're asking people to stay at home. this is the kansas city area i believe, where they're expecting up to a foot of snow and there's some bad stuff down south. the end ooh end of the same storm. north and eastern louisiana, and watch the map. southeast louisiana is going to get it as well. the upper right part of mississippi as well. some rough weather throughout the day. be careful. nasa reports a massive black spot on the sun is the size of six earths and could trigger solarrer flares this week.
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they're bursts of radiation that have the potential to disrupt the power grid. radio communication and satellite feeds. nasa reports the sun is reaching the peak of its 11-year activity cycle this year. then, there's this. before we wrap things up here. police in a boston suburb say they received a 9-1-1 call on wednesday night, which is last night. the caller said nothing and hung up the phone. the dispatcher called back to find out why you called me and didn't say anything. a woman answered and explained her ten-year-old son called nine one one with the intention of reporting her to police. the crime? making him going to bed when he didn't want to. so an officer went to the house to make sure the story checked out. so the of explained the little boy when it is appropriate to call nine one one, you call and when its not, it's not. d


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